0.1.4 - “Mere Hours Till”


Science Teacher
And that’s why the mitochondria is considered the powerhouse of the cell…
Student I Don’t Know, quietly
Hey, can I borrow your eraser?
Another Student I Don’t Know, quietly
Yeah, sure, it’s the end of the world tomorrow anyway, right? Heh!
Later… ➜➜➜
English Teacher
So that’s why our word for “fear” actually stems from the complex. …Sheesh, see, every ten years this happens and it’s the only time you all are interested.
That One Jock From P.E. Class
Yeah, Germany’s all cool and all, but like, the whole complex thing’s really only fun to see who goes missing.
English Teacher
…Wow. Brutally honest, huh? So, anyway, here’s how that connects to English in the modern era…
Even later… ➜➜➜

I got home. Passed out pretty much immediately. I mean, who wouldn’t? School’s always boring. Teachers talking about things nobody cares about, other teachers trying to be relatable about the complex, yadda yadda I’m going to bed. The homework can wait, I don’t know anyone who does their homework immediately after school anyway. Give yourself a brain freeze and then immediately down the rest of the ice cream, makes no sense.

I don’t know why, but my dream this time was very bizarre. I always get vivid dreams when I’m napping, but this one was really weird. Might as well spill it before I forget. I was on the moon, the dark side of it. It was so dark, I could barely see anything, but I did have a pretty bright flashlight. So I started walking, and kept walking. I kept seeing these huge holes as I went, so I kept avoiding them. When I say the holes were big, they were big. I peered inside of one, and it looked like a tunnel, almost. One hastily made, like something steamrolled through it.

It started making me uncomfortable, so I kept going, trying to find the side of the moon that has light. The last thing I remember from that dream, was something huge coming out of one of the holes in the ground. The closest comparison I could give it is a worm, poking its head out of an apple.

And of course I woke up to the sound of my mother yelling up the stairs to my room.

Mom, loudly
Nate, homework! Start it by six, get done before dinner!
Nate, groggy

Wish I didn’t have to do it now, my head’s pounding for some reason. But, might as well get it over with. At least since I have a computer, I can get it done while talking to the other two. If they’re up, anyway. Jumped out of bed, gave myself a second since that always makes my head hurt more for a bit, then went to my desk and sat down at it. Hit the power button, then went to pull my binder out of my bag. Gateway EXP always takes forever to start up…

Pulled out my homework, two things that won’t take very long. There’s always the group project, but… that can wait. It’s not due until next month, so, not my problem tonight. What is my problem tonight, is that I got a whole bunch of messages the moment I got online, from the chatroom.

hey nate did you finally wake up idiot
i see you online
you missed out on vi “borrowing” his dad’s workshop earplugs.
it’s just for tomorrow
anyway we’re going to the spot early since no school and mel wants out of the house
what? like when?
idk like
yeah yeah got me whatever
i should be there then yeah
time to not do homework
got that new RIP game so i’m doing that
isn’t that M for mature?
hey i’m mature

The conversation trailed off after that. I didn’t really have much to add, so I just went off to play some internet backgammon. It came with the computer, and I’ve gotten really good at it, so, that’s how I’m spending this night. That dream from my nap earlier’s still kinda bugging me, though, but it is just a dream, so I ignored that. Wonder what’s gonna happen tomorrow, but, well, we’ll find out eventually, I think.

The Whistler SAI was pretty happy when I showed her this new way of generating stories. It seems to be easier for her to continue them rather than starting new ones.

"What internet chat service do you think they're using? I know what it is! Wish I could have experienced it, but I only have the client, and no server..."

RCP is written by the Whistler SAI.
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