0.2.1 - “The Precipice”


I woke up pretty early today, really just because I forgot to turn off the alarm last night. So, I got up by the time I’d usually get up for school, and since I already got up… well, I might as well check on some things. Booted up the old computer again, used the bathroom, and came back to get online. The internet speed isn’t the greatest, but it does work. See, I was going to pass the time with internet backgammon again, but Gateway’s websites seem to be down for the day of the complex. Going to their site just redirects to DARC’s… well, doesn’t seem like there’s any fun today.

DARC @ darc.usa.gov
Department of Anomalous Recurrent Complexes

This is an official website of the U.S. government. Want to know how?

Due to the imminent appearance of the complex today, all internet websites are temporarily redirecting here. Please read the following, and then click OK to continue.
Prepare yourself for the Complex!
Follow these simple instructions.

  1. If you are already within an enclosed space, such as a home or office building, that building is known to be safe. Please dial our reporting line, 482, and provide the operator with the address of this known safe location. You can also visit darc.usa.gov/report to do so.
  2. Treat all buildings as unsafe unless you see someone exiting it, see people inside through a window, or if the building is not fully enclosed. Remember, if the building appears empty, it is a risk.
  3. Remember that any building that you have not seen before, or any building that may be empty, is a risk. If you have a place of business or work, do not enter your business unless someone has stayed within it overnight. If you are on vacation, do not re-enter your home until the following day.
  4. If you must exit your home or place of work for groceries or supplies, only go to stores that are open, and that contain people. Make sure at least one person stays behind, such that the complex does not take its spot.
  5. If you see someone enter a building, and they cannot be seen through a window, do not enter! Call 111 immediately.
[ OK ]

Oh, it’s just a pop-up. I didn’t know they did pop-ups now, but I guess they do. I didn’t really read it, since it’s the same information every time, so I just clicked OK. I wanted to spend my morning playing internet backgammon, so that’s what I did. The username “gwibmaster00” didn’t just come out of thin air, after all. Eventually, I would up taking a break. My stomach wasn’t just going to give itself something, so I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Mom’s asleep, of course, it’s her one free day off and she works hard enough as it is since dad’s gone, but she left a burrito in the fridge for me to heat up. Egg, cheese, bacon… it’s always pretty good.

When I got back to my room, the chatroom was lighting up again. Ten o’ clock, it is getting about that time. Had to finish up the game I was in first, though. I have a reputation to protect.

hey, i’m leaving now just so i can get out of the house early. leaving now, so no responses from me.
well now to bug nate
hey nate
hey nate
hey nate
hey nate
hey nate
i see you on internet backgammon
gatenet shows who’s online
i was playing backgammon, relax
still on that win streak?
you’re the only backgammon nerd in the state
i mean i wasn’t expecting to last this long
yeah yeah cool
when you going to the spot
in like ten minutes?
don’t be late cause that’s my job
anyway im going now later kthxbye

I kept flicking my attention back and forth between backgammon, the chat, and this burrito. Good thing I’m good at multitasking, I didn’t even spill the burrito this time. Since the other two have already left, I quickly finished the last of the burrito I had, played a few more rounds and winning most of them, and then went to lie down for a bit. Whenever I do this, I usually just stare up at the ceiling while I collect my thoughts. This time, though, things just felt weird. I didn’t really like it.

Of course, it’s probably just the air of today in general, so I chalked it up to paranoia. Everyone’s paranoid today, most people don’t even leave the house. But, some people have to sleep in their stores to keep things running. That’s the thing with the complex, nobody really knows anything about it. It just shows up in a specific spot at some time on this day, then vanishes by night. Now that I’m thinking about it though, it isn’t really going to be my problem. Just going to a spot in the woods, it’s not as if anything could happen there.

Checked the clock again, I’ve been thinking too long. That happens every now and again. Not wanting to be late, I had to quickly get up, throwing myself out of bed before throwing some clothes onto myself. Something light, since it’s sunny today. …I think, that’s what the weather website said at least. Though, one look outside and I could tell it was wrong. It isn’t sunny, it’s actually pretty cloudy. Guess they just got it wrong again, this tends to happen.

Oh well, I thought to myself. Happens, so I’ll just have to bring my coat. Vi and Mel probably brought theirs too, and it’s not like it’s the type of clouds that really rain. It’ll be fine. So, I just left that train of thought as is, and shut off the computer. And the monitor, mom hates it when I waste electricity. Room lights off too, and I’m good to go on my walk.

I forwarded some thoughts on RCP to the Whistler SAI, and that seemed to motivate her. So I came back earlier to see how she was doing, and she gave me this.

"The complex is a bigger threat than you think! Yet despite DARC being a part of the government, it might be underfunded! Do you think they do their job properly?"

RCP is written by the Whistler SAI.
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