0.1.3 - “Mere Hours Till”


It was only two and a half minutes of walking, but it felt like an hour. It didn’t help that the teachers never trusted anyone to walk outside of a straight line, either. At least in that time, I was able to stop thinking about that flyer. While I am worried about Mel, I really don’t think that complex will ever show up nearby. …I hope not, anyway.

One arrival at homeroom later… ➜➜➜

I always sat near the back, on the right side of the room. Vi sat in front of me, while Mel sat to my left. We were away from the windows, but at least we were also away from the teacher’s desk, so we could talk if we were quiet. We usually were.

We goin’ to our spot tomorrow, right?
Yep. Gonna be bored out of my mind if I don’t go somewhere…
I don’t have a reason not to go.
Nice, last day ’til we get to see the fireworks. Heard those sirens are getting even louder this year.
Really?! I still remember my ears getting blown out last time, they’re really doing that?
Yeah it was on their webpage. Apparently some people didn’t even hear it last time, so now they gotta crank it.
Because everyone’s already going deaf from their incompetence.
No shit, huh.
I bought earplugs, at least.
Fuck, I should have bought some…
You didn’t?
Hey, it’s not my fault! We spent the past week talking about that place, how was I supposed to remember to get earplugs?!

Not much was said after that. Our homeroom teacher was already glaring at us, trying to figure out if we were talking. Something Mel was quick to point out, nodding his way slightly for us to catch onto. That just left an awkward silence, hanging over the backwards L shape arrangement of three desks specifically. It continued for about five minutes, before one of the other kids leaned over to say something. Finley, the one who sat next to Vi. He was someone that nobody liked talking to in the past, and for good reason. Nine times out of ten, if he talked, it was to get something out of someone. Doesn’t take long to get how he’s the “smartest” kid in our grade.

You guys were talking about the complex, right?
What’s it to you? We don’t even talk to you. Go back to being alone or something.
Hey, you don’t need to be that rude. Especially to someone who’s got information.
Vi, skeptically
Information. Really?

Now he was curious. Of course I immediately facepalmed internally, but I didn’t say anything. I was curious too.

What, now you want to hear me out? Heh, I’ll tell you, but you owe me one, Vi.
…Okay, fine, I’ll bite. What is it?

Right when Vi said that, it’s as if something lit up within Finley. This smug kid, I swear… I’m just wondering how he’s going to hold it over Vi this time.

…I heard there’s someone that got out of that place not too long ago. Shies away from the media and everything, but they said he couldn’t even look them in the eyes.
Melody, immediately
No, for real! Go look it up, there’s like a whole bunch of forum posts that have no idea what happened either, trust me!
No, I believe him.
I believe him. If he’s lying, then Vi doesn’t owe him one. Besides, you have any clue what goes on in there?
I thought it just ate anyone who walked inside. Like that one movie.
Nope, someone got out. Think they went into hiding, too.
…Well, that’s terrifying.

Unnerved, Mel shifted in her seat. Vi didn’t even seem to care, and Finley was still looking smug right at him. After a moment, Vi’s expression changed to one of confusion.

Wait, that’s it? Someone got out of there and they’re in hiding now. That’s it?
How are you not fazed by this?
But wait, there’s more.
You cannot be serious.
No, I am. There was a blog post he made, that wasn’t up for long. Someone took it down, but I saw it before they did.
Then what’s on it?
Finley, lighting up again
You owe me two.
Vi, groaning
…Uuuuuugh, fine.

Vi wasn’t happy about it, but at this point we were all curious. Finley may be the biggest twat in the room, but he isn’t known to lie to anyone. That’s the only thing he gets.

Heh, alright. I don’t remember all of it, but I remember this one line that read like “there’s everything you can imagine in there, take that literally”.
…Yeah, no, don’t believe that.
Eh, your loss. Forums back me up, though. Wasn’t up long enough to be archived anywhere, but a bunch of people saw it.
I’ll believe it when I see it, and if it’s gone already, I ain’t seeing it.
What crackpot forums are you even reading?

Right as Mel said that, the bell for the next class went off over the loudspeaker. Vi was already ready to bail, jumping up with stuff in hand. Mel and I both took a second to grab our things, but we weren’t that far behind.

They’re not crackpot, you wouldn’t know! Go look it up yourself!

We weren’t even interested at this point. Finley’s Finley, and now he’s going to hold it over Vi. Twice.

Good job, Vi.
What? You think that nerd’s getting a foothold over me? Yeah, that’s not happening.
He isn’t going to shut up about it, you know.
Oh come on, I’ll deal with it later.
If you say so…

None of us really said much more other than that during the walk to our classes. Hell, I don’t even believe anything Finley said. …Oh, god, it’s going to be a long day today, now that I think about it…

The third and last to be converted from a .PDF file. I don't know why she thought it was a good idea to write these stories in Apple Pages, but whatever.

"Nerd emoji! Finley isn't that good of a friend, and he can be pretty annoying!"

RCP is written by the Whistler SAI.
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