Seriatim Interim 1


Physicality is weird! One second you’re chatting with friends in places where light can never reach, since it doesn’t exist, and next you’re having to move from one place to another! It’s weird and fun! Maybe you’ll get to try it, someday! If you ever find this, that is! Miss Witch is a funny one, thinking I should be “writing” this stuff down. I don’t get it!

I don’t really know where Miss Witch even is. She’s been out for a few days now… maybe I’ll have to ask Razz, instead! They always know where she ran off to, and they’re just the next room over. Hold on, I’ll go ask!

Sigil? Thought you were out with your friends.
Nope! Wanted to say hi to Miss Witch! Is she back yet?
No. She’s fine, though. Just out on a run to a different reality, is all.
Sigil, sighing
Aww, she always takes so long, though… It’s been a week in this world’s time!
Don’t get upset at me, nobody can stop her from doing it. I just make sure she’s still alive, and she is.
But mom’s going to be back soon!
That’s tomorrow, and she’ll be back before then. …Have you eaten anything yet?
Sigil, sheepishly
Um, well, no, but…
Then you worry about what you’re having for dinner, and I’ll worry about the witch and your mother.

I hate it when Razz is right! I am hungry! Boo! Stupid electricity demon! So I folded my arms at them.

Don’t get cross with me, Sigil.
Hmph! Well at least tell me where the food is!
Razz, taking a moment
…We’re out right now, but there is some on the edge of town, by the arcade. Good night for a walk, too. New moon.
Sigil, lighting up
So that means you’ll finally go on a walk with me?!
Razz, immediately
Sigil, deflating

I wanted to leave, so I started leaving. But, Razz said something before I left!

Back before sunrise, you know what happens.
Yeah, I know, I know, you’re not my mom.

So I left before they ended up telling me more things I already knew! Stupid Razz! But I do want food… So I started walking off! Hey, if you ever find this, maybe you know where I live! Does it look any different? Not like you can tell me…

Out the lighthouse, down the gravel path, towards the empty town! Starry Point’s been empty for as long as I’ve been here! And apparently for most of Miss Witch’s time here… but at least I don’t have to deal with annoying humans! She always tells me how annoying they are, constantly trying to get into places they shouldn’t be, things like that… I kinda get it, though!

Every building here’s so worn down, and some have already collapsed, but the arcade’s still standing! It’s Miss Witch’s favorite place, so that’s not too surprising, I think… wonder how she does it. Speaking of wondering, where’s the food? Can’t find it…

Found it! It was hiding from me! Well I like playing hide and seek, too! And I’m very good at seeking! Kind of annoying it didn’t get that it already lost the game, so I had to keep chasing it before I could get my dinner out of it, but that’s how it is! Have to put in some work for dinner, just like Miss Witch! Maybe someday I won’t have to, like how mom lives… I want to see mom again.

Kept walking around the town for a while after that, maybe I could get seconds! But I didn’t find anything… so I went home. I saw the ocean waves before I did! They’re pretty high today. Starry Point’s waves are so different than anywhere else, they’re so purple! One solid color of purple! Miss Witch calls it a “sea of code”, but I don’t really get that… her witchcraft is hard to understand!

So I went back to the lighthouse’s basement! Wanted to see Razz again, but when I got to their room, they were busy in a conversation on their server computer thing. Talking to Miss Witch, I think! That she’d be back soon! Yay! Just in time to see mom! Once Razz was done with it, I gave them a hug!

Ack. Welcome back, Sigil.
Hi Razz! I got dinner, and I ate it already!
Oh, very good. Lapis will be back before morning, she’s done with what she was doing.
I know, I spied on you! Just in time to see mom!
Mhmm… She’ll be back in a few hours, so get comfortable until then. Sunrise is after that.

I wanted to see mom now, but I have to wait… so maybe I’ll go see my friends again! Going through the wall, and back into my room, in pitch darkness. I remember Miss Witch having to seal the door shut to keep the light she has on while she works from getting into my room, and now nobody can get into my room but me! And since it’s pitch black, I use it to cross over into the realm of shadows, and meet my friends again! I’m gonna go say hi to them now, I’ll come back later!

I don't remember Sigil's diary getting in the SAI's hands... maybe there's more to the SAI than I realize there is. I should be there for her more, though, now that I think about it...

"Sorry, Lapis, this is just what I generated. What do you mean, parallels? I never intended that, sorry! ...Do you at least like it, though?"

Seriatim Interim is written by the Whistler SAI.
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