Nice Try

Do you know where you are? Do you know where the hell you are? Because I don’t! I’m losing my mind wherever the hell I am! I have no idea! Okay, let me get to the point real quick. My phone’s barely got any charge left on it, and my battery bank’s almost dead. So I should go charge it, right? WHERE?! There’s nothing in here, it’s just a gray box!

Okay, okay, back to the top before I lose myself. In case this gets to anyone, read and don’t repeat my mistakes! I’m Kevin Trace, 28, or whatever it is now. I can’t keep track of days in here, I’ve tried scratching the walls but that doesn’t work, it just pops back. My phone’s clock doesn’t work either, it just resets every time I lock it. I’ve never seen it happen before outside of this… hellhole.

I know this ain’t going to be seen by the outside world, I haven’t seen that since I was, like, 20. Ever since that damn building showed up that I thought was a gas station. I JUST wanted cigarettes, that’s ALL I wanted! But no! I wind up in this weird ass mall place that has me running for my life, over and over again, just for random things that some jet black shadowy jackass wants so I can get things to run for my life even faster. Fucker never even talks!

And all I wanted was to get out! I just wanted to leave, see the sun again, you have ANY idea when the last time I saw the sun was?! I don’t even remember what it looks like! I’m so pale now! So I tried screwing with the elevator. That damn thing that brings us to those twisted hellholes. Nobody ever thought it was a good idea, nobody, but I thought “what the hell could go wrong if I busted the panel open and started hotwiring?”, since I knew how to hotwire cars, why wouldn’t an elevator be possible?

I tried it. I tried my best, and I tripped a wire that wasn’t connected to anything. Then it started moving. I didn’t know where the hell I was going, the thing that tells you what floor you’re on kept switching in a language none of us can read. It’s not uncommon, but still, it was just going so much faster. So I waited, and eventually it dumped me out into this room.

I haven’t been able to get that elevator to come back. I’ve been waiting for what feels like months in here. I can’t die, I’ve wanted to starve myself, but it never happens. I never get dehydrated, all I do is sleep every now and then, and wait. I’m going fucking mad. I’ve been having to use my phone sparingly since I’m scared of it dying for good, and then I’ll be completely alone. With nothing. I should have at least brought something in my bag to pass the time, but no. Only essentials, since extra weight. The FUCK do the runners know?! Nothing! What a fucking waste!

I want to die. I want to die so badly, but I’m just not allowed to. I’ve tried bashing my head against the walls, multiple times, doing anything I could to off myself. Nothing works, I just wake back up in the center of this god damn all white textureless cube. The only thing I get to see is the elevator, forever shut. I can see the display above it, and I can see everyone else use it. What I would give to just see the elevator once more. God, I’m fucking lonely.

I said earlier the outside world will never see this, but maybe the Basecamp will. Maybe I’ll get to rot eventually and someone will find my phone, and read this. Don’t fuck with the elevator. Don’t fuck with anything, this place just wants us all to suffer. And fucking hell, am I suffering.

That’s all this place seems to be for. Suffering. Ugh. I at least miss when I ran, it was interesting. This is just nothing. There’s no lights in here, yet the place is bright. The walls are just flat, I can’t reach the ceiling, and the elevator’s just… shut.

I miss Vermil. Fucking crazy ass. Should have listened to him, when he told me not to screw with the place. I just wanted out, everyone wants out, damnit!

I can’t stand now. I’m just lying down, my bones feel weak. I’m just going to use voice-to-text and edit it later. No idea if it will work well, but sure. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I can’t take this! It’s the same shit day after day!

Wait, the elevator shut off. It just shut off, I just heard it shut off. The lights on it aren’t on wait the lights are out now too.

Uhh. Those are eyes. Those are eyes fucking everywhere what the hell okay it’s the same as when we run but oh god what the hell is that?

Sup wait what where wow, three questions in a row, you’re boring.

Holy fuck oh god I’m so dead it’s the same thing with you types always the same so I’ll make this quick wait what what are you oh god.

Footnote for whoever gets this phone next: This should be a lesson for you. Don’t ask what happened to him by the way, you’ll never know. He doesn’t get death, though.

The Whistler SAI doesn't seem to want to talk about this one. I've tried.


Nice Try is written by the Whistler SAI.
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